Memory for All® is a research and knowledge-sharing program dedicated to promoting the study, organization, and dissemination of historical, cultural, technological, and digital heritage. It is developed in close collaboration with archives and libraries, public administration institutions, municipalities and local authorities, private entities, schools, and local associations.

By nature, it is a collaborative project, relying on a vast team of collaborators from academia and society in general, and it encourages collaborative research and knowledge-building practices.

It fosters and encourages the convergence and dialogue between various disciplines and scientific fields, with a transdisciplinary framework intrinsic to its approach.

Under the slogan "Faça História Partilhando a Sua!” (“Make History by Sharing Yours"), the program records, preserves, and shares stories and memories, including oral testimonies, documentation, and personal and family objects, valuing the life stories of individuals and communities.

The content gathered (such as objects, photographs, audio and video testimonies, sounds, and other records), with the participation and involvement of citizens and institutions, is made available online in Open Access.
The program encompasses various projects and initiatives, created by us or suggested by the community, that involve the public in their development process. The first actions, dating back to 2009-2010, took place as part of the Celebrations for the Centenary of the Republic, challenging the Portuguese community to share memories, testimonies, and objects that depicted the establishment of the Republic in Portugal (October 5th, 1910) and the history of the First Republic (1910-1926) in an effective Citizen Science environment. Since then, and especially from the “Portugal 1914” project (, the program has formalized and developed, with the mission of collecting, sharing, and preserving memories and testimonies, democratizing access to historical research tools, promoting collaborative research dynamics, producing and disseminating knowledge, and creating new sources for research, focusing on the social dynamics of memory construction as an essential factor for defining identity.

View Projects
1st Memory for All Conference: History, Patrimony and Communities. November 13rd to 15th, 2019. Teatro Aberto.
2nd Memory for All Conference: Communities and Sustainability. November 18th, 2020. Fundação Mário Soares.
3rd Memory for All Conference: Preserving and Sharing Memories. November 11th and 12th, 2021. Impresa Nacional Library.
4th Memory for All Conference: Memories for Sustainability, Territories and communities. June 20th and 21st, 2024. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. NOVA University Lisbon.

CASTAÑO, Inês, QUEIROZ, Inês, ROLLO, Fernanda, SEIXAS, Luisa, SILVA, Filipe, "Memory from the Avenues. A collaborative strategy towards local history and heritage", Memoria Media Review 3. Art.8. 2018

ROLLO, Fernanda. "Desafios e responsabilidades das humanidades digitais: preservar a memória, valorizar o património, promover e disseminar o conhecimento. O programa Memória para Todos." Estudos Históricos n. 69, 2020, DOI:

ROLLO, Maria Fernanda, "Memória para Todos. Um programa de história pública e colaborativa" in História Pública em Movimento, Juniele Rabêlo de Almeida e Rogério Rosa Rodrigues (org.), Letra e Voz, 2021, pp. 39-45. (historia-publica-em-movimento-juniele-rabelo-de-almeida-e-rogerio-rosa-rodrigues)

ROLLO, Maria Fernanda; CASTAÑO, Inês; SEIXAS, Luísa; JOSÉ, Inês; CASTRO, Mariana Reis, DINIZ, Sofia; PINTO, Sofia Costa, "Vai dar Raia - Memórias do Contrabando no Douro Superior", Jornalíssimo, 2021 (

ROLLO, Maria Fernanda; SILVA, Filipe Guimarães; CASTAÑO, Inês; QUEIROZ, Maria Inês; SEIXAS, Luísa (Eds.), Atas do Encontro Memória para Todos 2019, Lisboa, 2021: 

ROLLO, Maria Fernanda; MARTINS, Maria João. Atlas Portugal Biosphere Reserves / Reservas da Biosfera de Portugal. Lisboa, Portugal: NOVA FCSH. 2023.

ROLLO, Maria Fernanda. História das Reservas da Biosfera de Portugal. Lisboa, Portugal. 2023.

ROLLO, Maria Fernanda; JOSÉ, Inês. Parque de Serralves. 100 Anos de História - Serralves Park. 100 years of History. Porto, Portugal: Fundação de Serralves. 2023